Believe it or not, some folks do NOT have a mechanic they call ‘their own.’  Amazing, I know!

Loyal followers of our shop know that we are honored by the longevity of our customers and are very proud of the customer service we give our customers… both new and not-new.   For over three DECADES we’ve relied mostly on word of mouth in order to get our name “out there.”  In the past what that means is you talk to the person in front of you at the grocery, or your children’s friends’ parents, or your bowling/work/church friends and if you keep hearing good things about a merchant/shop/store, you go there to try it out.  Today what that means is leaving/posting online reviews so people you don’t know can leverage YOUR expertise!    You great customers that have been to the shop and gotten good service – we’re asking YOU to be ambassadors to those looking for a ‘home’ for their auto repair needs.

reviewWe’ve recently begun asking customers who come to the shop for their email addresses.  We’re asking for your online reviews of your experience.   When people are new to the area, just driving through (or, unfortunately, breaking down while driving through the middle of Ohio), or looking for something a little different than they’re currently getting, many people are turning to the review sites.  These sites are helping people make informed decisions about where they’re going to spend their hard-earned dollars.

While we would gladly toot-our-own-horns all the livelong day, it means much more coming from happy customers.  We’ve begun sharing the reviews on Facebook so that new folks, people that use social media to make purchasing decisions, or simply to narrow down their choices, can have a way to hear the good things about us too.  We’ll soon have the reviews on our website as well… look for that!

If you don’t have email, or simply prefer to just go online and do it yourself, the link is here.  Please feel free, and thank you very very much.

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